Have you lost the wonder of prayer?  If you find that prayer is difficult or dry or uninteresting, it may be because you’ve lost the wonder of what it means to be able to pray to the living God, to go right straight to God’s throne, at any time, for as long as you wish, and spend intimate time alone with the Creator of the universe! Wow, that is wonderful, isn’t it?  Prayer is so incredible. Have you ever really appreciated the wonder of prayer?

A good way to do that is to start each prayer session with a thank-you for the privilege of prayer.  Really meditate on the fact that you are entering into the presence of the Holy God and furthermore, you have been invited to come with boldness into His presence and to call Him Father.  This is worthy of the word awesome.  If you will recover the wonder of prayer, it will change your prayer life.

Have you lost the wonder of what God has called you to do?  Sometimes we just get caught up in the hard work, the busy schedule, the long days, and we lose the wonder that God calls us to serve Him and use us in the lives of other people. For we are His workmanship, created for good worksWe weren’t created to live a normal life whose impact only lasts for this life. God has called us to more. We were made for a life of deep and lasting impact. We were made to share God’s heart with the world.  Have you lost the wonder that God wants to use you in His kingdom’s work? It will make it so much easier to get up each day if you know that this day, God will use you to lighten someone’s load, or to show His love to a suffering world, in whatever way that can be. You will feel a sense of wonder at God’s working in your life.

When I take the time to wonder, it’s like a strange energy overtakes my body and renews my strength. It puts me back in touch with God. While taking a walk last week, I noticed a beautiful butterfly flying happily about on my path. I love butterflies, I find them fascinating to observe. It may have looked strange to others — a grown woman stopping in the middle of the path to watch a butterfly, while everyone was hurrying along, but as I stopped to admire the flight of that beautiful creature, it made me happy and brought warmth into my soul.

It is that childlike wonder that we so often and so easily lose in our walk with the Lord.  Yes, we believe in God, we read His Word and we pray, every day or sometimes. But when we lose the wonder—the joy, the excitement, the curiosity, the sunshine-basking that is ours to enjoy, then walking with God becomes humdrum.

What about you ? Do you remember the last time when you felt an overwhelming sense of wonder? Keep wonder alive in your life. Don’t lose your sense of wonder, the gift of seeing the world through God’s eyes.